Bible reading in church on Sunday was from the Epistle of James. In it he
encourages anyone who is ill to inform the church elders so prayers can be
said. I was not feeling well enough for Church on Sunday and had to tell a
friend who rang in the morning, that I couldn’t give her a lift. She obviously
took James seriously and when she got to church asked the congregation for prayers for my
recovery. Unfortunately, this caused a certain amount of consternation because when you are prayed for like this, everyone imagines you are, if not actually
on the point of death, at least seriously indisposed.
neighbour, Liz, from two doors away, was at church that morning and heard the prayers. Shocked and concerned , she
popped in to see how I was. At that time I was still groggy and could only sip at the bush tea she brought me. However, it seems the
prayers of All Saints Church are very powerful and by evening I was almost
fully recovered. In fact, having not eaten all day, I was rather hungry and so
when Val, my next-door neighbour, rang and invited me to join her in a light meal I left everything at once and walked over to her cottage. As I didn’t
intend to stay away long, and was going to be so close by, I left the computer
on and the door unlocked ( Actually, I never lock my dogs in the house so in
case there is a an emergency like a fire
they would be able to escape.)
I was enjoying a glass of red and a delicious bean bredie, my almost- next-door-neighbour, Liz , came
round again to see if I was still in the
land of the living. She was horrified to find the state of my home. It was reminiscent of the Marie Celeste: door open,
lights on, computer running , dogs
hiding in the bedroom and the occupant mysteriously missing.. What could have
happened? It was already dark. Perhaps I had suddenly had another attack of
illness and gone to find help. Perhaps I had gone outside and collapsed and was
lying unconscious somewhere. . She consulted her husband, who was on the
Residents committee. He agreed something should be done. Security was informed,
nurses were called, the supervisor was phoned, all the staff alerted.
Everyone went into action: the house was searched and the grounds scoured, but although
I was only a few metres away I was not to be found. Just before Management was
about to go to the lengths of informing my next-of-kin, Liz came to check my
cottage again, encountered me getting
ready for bed and the search was called off.
was most touched by the concern shown by friends and by staff, but now, to
prevent a similar happening, I have given my cell-phone number to Security to keep in the office at
the gate and I have also given it to as many people I can think of, so I can be located when
next I go missing
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