Monday, April 18, 2022


I haven't written anything on this blog for more than two years. I suppose I just became rather lazy. Also I did have less time because I was participating in writing courses. There was a course on diary writing and then a memoir course. Because of Covid these were Zoom courses so I was glued to the computer for several hours each day. Then as Covid restrictions were partially lifted I was hospitalised with a severe lung condition. At first nobody thought I would recover. My daughter, Shirley came down form East London and other two daughters, both based in New Zealand, managed to get permission to leave the country and came to bid me goodbye. I was in hospital for a month but miraculously made a good recovery and came back  home, better and fitter than  before. The two New Zealand daughters stayed on to help me settle back after I was discharged from hospital.. Then when they tried to go back to New Zealand they couldn't. First it was quarantine regulations and then, just as they were about to leave, the third wave struck and flights were cancelled. Altogether they were here for nearly three months. This was lovely for me, but didn't suit their families all that well. 

There have been  a few changes in my life since my illness. My daughter have put in lino-type floors instead of carpets to reduce dust and I am living more quietly, not driving much or very far and having help with walking the dogs. I am more aware of my mortality, I suppose, and more grateful for what I have. I thank God every day for my continuing health, for my pleasant life in this nice and friendly old age complex and above all for my dear and loving family.
